Wednesday, September 10, 2014

If the Shoe Fits, Wear It… What If It Doesn’t Fit?

We say “If the shoe fits, wear it”, but what happens if it doesn’t fit?

Shoes were created to protect our feet from the natural elements. It is essential that they are comfortable while we are doing our various activities. However, life can be unbearable and painful if they don’t fit well. It is the same scenario, when wearing “the shoes of life” that don’t fit.

A few years ago, I bought my first pair of cowboy boots and I was so proud of them. Wearing them the first couple of weeks was kind of painful because they were a bit too small. I have wide feet and the boots were a regular width. I was hoping they would eventually begin to feel better, but the pain got worse. I tried different methods of stretching them, but nothing worked; they just didn’t fit. I was a single father with three children and buying another pair of boots was not in the budget. So, I kept on wearing them as painful as they were. In the meantime, a “corn” developed on my toe. Corns will form on one’s toe(s) from wearing shoes to small. I was finally reduced to wearing my cherished boots only one or two days a week, then, to not wearing them at all. It was just too painful!

In life, what do we do when we are wearing shoes that don’t fit? Perhaps, that physically or emotionally abusive relationship you are in is the “shoe that doesn’t fit”. It’s painful, but you are still trying to wear it. You deserve better.  Seek help. Get some counseling and allow time to heal; go find yourself a partner that will love and respect you. Then wear those “shoes” that will now “fit”, with style; and keep them polished!

What about the people you associate with? You are trying to better yourself. You have visions and dreams; you want to finish school or go back to school, and your friends just want to hang out and party. That “shoe is not fitting”! Go find some new friends that have similar goals and are willing to do what it takes to accomplish them.

Or that dead-end job. It’s painful to train others for the promotion you should have gotten. That “shoe does not fit”. Don’t get bitter, get better. Take appropriate steps to show you can be a leader; volunteer for extra projects while you look for another job. When you find it, give the required notice and leave in style, thanking them for the experience and go wear your brand new shoes.

Do you own a pair of worn shoes–there is nothing like them? For they have become so comfortable. Through the years, your feet have molded and shaped them to the perfect fit. Sort of like a spouse, the two of you have been together so long that you have been told you resemble each other. Or you begin a sentence, and he/she finishes it. You love and care for them so much, even with their “perfect imperfections”, you are joined together. Now that’s a “shoe that fits”. Keep wearing them.   Well done and you have kept the relationship polished.

I have learned the art of buying cowboy boots. I now own 11 pairs and they all fit well. No more walking uncomfortably; no pain and definitely no more “corns”! Find what shoes fit in your life, your faith, your hoppy, your friends, and your family. Then wear them! Keep them polished and live life to the fullest.

On another note, there may be times when we need to wear a pair of shoes that don’t necessary fit, but it’s only for a short time or short distance. It’s when we walk a mile in other’s shoes, we then may be able to understand and perhaps help them find a pair of shoes that fit.

© Copyright 2014 Glen Warren/Fathers Forever All Rights Reserved

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