Monday, December 3, 2018

Wake Up, America!: This Isn't Normal

By Richard Brody

Whether one agrees, or disagrees, with the politics, perspectives, opinions, point - of - view, or rhetoric, we are witnessing today, there should be, agreement, we're observing conditions, etc, which, we have not observed, in America, in recent memory! It may be world - conditions, the threat of terrorism, hatred, bigotry, prejudice, or other factors (including greed, and personal/ political agendas, and self - interest), but, there appears to be, little, to no attempt, to seek any common ground, meeting - of - the - minds, or bipartisan efforts! Our present President, often seems, to focus on slogans, and being popular with his base, core supporters, rather than all Americans. Several months ago, President Barack Obama, during a partisan, political speech, said, This isn't normal, and to this writer, that analysis seemed, not only accurate, but indicates, the potential threat, to our way of life!

1. The late comedian, George Carlin, after the atrocities, which occurred on September 11, 2001, warned of the potential dangers, of going too far, in reacting to these terrorist attacks, and, thus, abandoning, our commitment to protecting all our American freedoms. He proclaimed, if we do that, then, The terrorists win, because they would have achieved one of their primary objectives, of disrupting, and changing our mindsets. We must avoid taking the populist, simplistic, approaches, and pursue, well - considered, relevant, sustainable solutions, which simultaneously, make us safe, while being careful, to also, protect, all our freedoms, to all our citizens.

2. Regardless of one's opinion of President Donald J Trump, one should, and must recognize, he is a master at inspiring and motivating, those who feel, either neglected, oppressed, or resentful, by using rhetoric, which often, goes further, than merely, bordering on, vitriol! If we don't protect all of our freedoms, including those stated in the Constitution, or which, have become an essential component and expectation, we will eventually, begin to become unrecognizable, etc. What ever happened, to civility, and any attempt at compromise, bipartisan cooperation, and serving/ protecting all freedoms, instead of merely those, which are self - serving, etc?

3. The United States appears to be, more divided, than at any time, in recent memory. It seems to be, far beyond policy and/ or political differences, but, rather, an essential battle for the core, vision, and what America will stand for, and represent!

4. Traditionally, we have been the leaders of the free world, defending freedoms, etc, and human rights. Mr. Trump has referred to himself, as a Nationalist, which brings negative connotations, to many. He has often contradicted himself, and made it, more about dollars, and cents, than common sense, ethics and morality!

This isn't normal, because we are the United States of America, and we are being divided and polarized, rather than unified! Wake up, America, before it's too late! We've seen this before!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense:

Article Source: [,-America!:-This-Isnt-Normal&id=10035227] Wake Up, America!: This Isn't Normal

1 comment:

  1. The division and hate in this country has been evident for many years. Even moreso in recent years. True unity is what is needed today!
